Page 131 - YB1945_Classical
P. 131
(I. Che" ~t'ul(l~ ". "lIe"I;Ol1 hdoTO) CUI'I. Ri.:h"T.-I~,Col. GUT,I"'Jf, ",,,I Sgl.l·uTye"r. H. O. T. l:. The Reserve Officers' Training Corps hygiene, first aid, tactical training for both ..v'ftad its inception in the Morrill Act passed the individual and the squad, military in 1862, during our Civil War. Among courtesy and discipline, and other related other provisions it authorixed grants of subjects. The program is designed to teach public land to each state, requiring that the the students to carry the responsibility of state maintain at least one educational in- leadership and to give hill] occasion to stitution offering courses in agriculture, the follow as well as lead. Military training mechanical arts and military training. The develops habits of group discipline, oour, cadet corps were not then known as the tesy and respect for appointed authority. ROTC, but the land grant colleges fur- It develops ability in military . nished many able officers for the army. activities, and teaches the individual to During World War I the value of the col- stand on his own two feet. lege trained officer was strikingly demon- From the ranks of the ROTC have tome strated and, as a result, the large and im- hundreds of thousands of trained officers proved ROTC was authorized by the Na- to command our forces in time of war: no tional Defense Act of 1920. single force has contribuled more to' the The senior division of the ROTC, in victory we are winning. colleges and universities, is divided into a basic course covering the first 111'0 years: STAFF OF THE MILITARY at present this training is branch il1lllla. DEPARTMENT . terial (i.e. to equip a student for service in any branch of the army), and an ad. COLONEL AI'I'DIl.£W G. GARDNER, PMSS,'T vance course which has been suspended for C."PT. GeORCE J. RICIiAlms, JR., PMS&T the duration of the war. The basic cur. {since 23 March 1945) riculum includes instruction in rifle marks. M/SCT. RUFVS C. PURYEAR, ass't. instructor manship, military sanitation and personal S/SCT. DAN!EL W. ANDEIlSON, chief clerk 12fl
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