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the honor. The highest award is a green for the members do not play together or blazer given to any senior "M" woman receive additional points. who is oustanding in athletic accomplish- This rear a large turnout opened the ment, service and scholarship. A Final hockey season, and after many exciting Honor Committee consists of faculty memo games the lrehmcn were declared the vic. bel's. Ally woman student is eligible for tors. At the end of the hockey scaso_n, the membership in the \V.A.A., and only mem- W.A.A. ~ponsored a cider and doughnut bers are eligible to receive points and party for the purpose of acquainting the awards. Freshmen with the organization. Awards Seasonal sports lend variety to the intra- were presented at a later party. mural program. Beginning with hockey, Badminton held swav before the Christ- there is then basketball, volleyball, and mas holidays, with. hasketball after the softhall. Individual sports which are also recess. The Freshmen, in basketball car- offered are badminton, tennis, archery, ried off top honors again: Following close fencing, and golf. No one, however, may Oil the heels of' basketball, volleyball took participate in more than 11"0 activities in over. This time the juniors took the crown, any sport season. repeating last year's performance. With the coming of spring softball and The selection for class teams depends on archery were in all their glory. This was physical fitness, attendance, sportsmanship the only season that found Miss Parker and technical skill. At the end of each and Miss Todd, the W.A.A.'s advisors, sport season an honorur y leam is elected separated in their coaching duties. It is by the \V.A.A. board from the outstanding the helpful guidance of these instructors members of all four classes. This is merely which has made the W.A.A. one of the suc- a recognition of the most skillful players, cessful organizations 011 the campus. l\1is~ Todd ,,,,,I Miss [>"rker, iusrructoes ill women's uthlettcs,
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