Page 129 - YB1945_Classical
P. 129
Over Ihe net' VOLLEYBALL The three weeks before spring vacation each other in the match they played. This found the gylll filled with volleyball en- necessitated a play-off game in which the rhusinsts. The girls worked hard during junior team defeated their opponents to practice sessions, and the games that fol- capture the crown for the third straight lowed showed determination and sports- year since their arrival on campus. manship. The honorary team picked by the W.A.A. The freshmen were divided into 5 teams Board included Joanna Hauver, Jean while the sophomores and juniors had one Baker, Gladys Sause, Betty Baker, Doris faction each. There was also a team com. Kemp, Hope Kellam, Virginia Powell, posed of members from all Four classes. Josephine Have, and Marty Witter. The The freshmen and juniors finished the sea- alternates chosen were Jane Beall, Pat son without being defeated, havin.g tied Chatterton, and Anabelle Glockler. CRAIHPS First RUlv: D. Kemp, J. ee-u, J. I'hillil)~; Seco",' row: F. Mole~worlh, J. Baker, V_ Powell; Tllird /lor,,: M. L1uyd, B. Raker, T. Jones.
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