Page 130 - YB1945_Classical
P. 130
AH[HEHY Those venturing behind Blanche Ward Han 011 lazy Spring afternoons fire very apt to find many feminine fans of Robin Hood before the archery target. At the beginning of the season even the lightest bow seems quite hard to pull, but under the tutelage of iVliss Todd heavier equip- ment becomes familiar and bull's-eyes are made more and more frequently. Last year the .season was brought to a close by a match wilh Notre Dame of Ilalti. more in which W.M.C. emerged victorious. , Those representing Western Maryland were Claire Miller and Jean Shirley ill the Co- lumbia round and Peggy Geary in the novelty match. Court competitioll TENNIS Spring comes io the call1pus and the tennis addicts wait with an impatient eye tor the hanging of the first tennis net. From then on the tennis season is ill full swing. The date of the tournament is drawing ncar, and you just have to polish up your strokes, The inter-class tennis tournament each spring is a source of interest for all would- be professionals; even for those who are just heginning to learn the game. Alter much preliminary practice the tournament finally is begun, and the individual matches are played off. The competition is keen. and some of the matches are dose \:1I1CS. Then finally the number of aspirants nar- rows down and the class champions and the tournament champion are determined. Each year a prize is awarded to these champions. Last year Gail Lodge was named top racquet wielder of W.M.C. coeds. Before the h"IJ'~.cye 127
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