Page 128 - YB1945_Classical
P. 128
CUAi\1,PS Seilled: D. Armiger, P. ChHI. lerlon, B. Dickson, D. Scml; Stm,,!illg: 8. Kecklar-, 1\1. Willer. G. Sau;;e, K. 8rown, 1\1. McKee. BASIIETBALL freshmen, who have shown a strong inter- est in the sport, will carryover their en- For the third straight year the freshman thusiasm into the following years. class walked ofT with top basketball honors. Three of their members-c-Beny Dickson, Gladys Sause, and Belly Keckler-were BD[IIEY chosen by the W.A.A. Board for the honor- ary team. The other members selected Members of all classes came out fOI were Mary Lou Stephens, Joanna Hauver. .hockey this year, and the ganJes were and Jean Baker. At the close of the season played with a vim and refreshing vigor this sextet played an outstanding gam~ seldom seen on the Western Maryland field. with Annapolis, over whom they won an The juniors, champions for the past two overwhelming victory. years, lost their position 10 the freshmen There was a great deal of interest shown in the most thrilling game of the season. in basketball this year, apparent in the In the final seconds the freshmen breezed large tum out for each afternoon practice. down the field to smash the ball into the Again the honor went to the hash for hav- junior goal, making the score 2ยท1. The ing the greatest number of teams entered juuicrs are resolving to do better next year in the intramural tournament. The under- with hopes of recapturing their coveted classmen had six hard-working teams, title. while the juniors had tow and the senior In a sport that requires much cooper-a- and sophomore classes each accounted tion among mnn y girls for the success of for one. the game, we have to give special thanks The athletic department was well pleased to Miss Todd and Miss Parker, who have with all players, although it regretted the so patiently and willingly given hockey the comparatively small turnout from the up- needed touch to keep it one of today's most per classes. It is hoped that this year's popular outdoor sports for girls. CUAI\1I>S SmIled, A. Hess, P. Clwl_ teetou, D. Jacobson, H. KecklHr, A. Gloekler, n. Armiger, D. SHnl;IIi; S'",,,lirrg: J. DulTy, I>. Shinh:rm, M. Willer, Co. Snuse, U. KclhHm, I). ,Vilder.
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