Page 124 - YB1945_Classical
P. 124
K"'lelillg: J. Culhane, B. King, O. Ilroh"wll, L. Burges~; Standjng: W. C"rr, H. C..mllbclI, J. S"ickn"n, H. Buckingham, J. Thoml'~on, D. Fedder, ,F. St<)venson,G. H"nkill~, C. Smith. THE GREEN TERRORS Western Md:s Green Terrors again took wouldn't have been a great team; but the the court this year to roll up victories and spirit they had was one to win. add new laurels to the already impressive Joe Thompson was team captain, and record of the college. The organization of blond, dynamic Joe also ran away with an athletic team ill spite of the hardships scoring honors. Thompson stood out for inflicted by the war is a laudable achieve- both his ability and leadership. In writing ment. Shortage of playing material, in- praise, Frankie Stevenson and lack Spick- experience, and lack of adequate transpor- nail cannot be forgotten. All all around tation facilities were finally overcome; and team player, Frank helped bring many vic- the result was an impressive record. The tories to a tired team. "Splck" stands out team may not have been up to the past for his brilliant defensive playing. But W.M.C. standards, but then the Lodges, there were other stars-there were always Sufferns, and Magowskis were playing in five stars on the court. There were Buck. the bigger game for Uncle Sam. To fill ingham, Burgess, King, Brohawn, and the the position of these basketball "greats" rest-they all played good, "never-say-die" were "17-1.8 year-old kids" with fighting basketball. hearts, a love of the game, and talent be- The light of athletics on the Hill may yond their years. Coach Widener was pleased as the 1111- flicker as war's long ann threatens to derdog Terrors turned in a surprising smother the flame, but as long as these are record of five victories against seven de- "American kids" who love to play the feats. The Terrors weren't champions. In game, there will always be sports in some comparison with pre-war standards, they form at Western Md. College. 121
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