Page 122 - YB1945_Classical
P. 122
MAY DAY When Nature touches a barren earth Stormy weather made it necessary 10 with her magic wand, n{ankind responds to hold the formal May Day exercises indoors. the touch. For it is then, above all other Although the loss of Nature's backdrops times, that we seek to surround ourselves was keenly fell, the ceremonies were, with expressions of the beautiful. And nevertheless, impressive. A lovely queen May Day with its visions of youthful lovcli ness fulfills that desire. knelt to receive a crown of white cat-na. Alter, a session of gentle April showers, tions. The queen and her Court then a glorious May burst on the campus in a formed a pretty tableaux to watch the riot of color. We see in the fair young antics of elfin figures in a harlequinade, women of the May Court a reflection ,of The Wonder Hat. A semi-formal dance Nature in her loveliest moments. And that evening concluded the gala occasion. their floating gowns match Nature's ar- Thus one more May Day was celebrated tistry, color for color. on OiU' campus and we lIlay look forward This year something new was added to Lo man)' more, for it is a college tradition the traditional festivities. At a surprise breakfast on the first day of May, the iden- that must remain untouched. It is a iasting tity of our queen and her court was reo symbol of that youth and beauty which vealed. give hope and happiness to the world. First Row: S. Sny,ler, sophomore IHlendanl; 1\1. Dexter, freshmun allendant; 1\-1. Vanderlleek, jUllior allend'lIl! j J. Killhalll, ~ol.holnur" ullenoanl; E. Murch, junior "1I')IIdulll; G. Sanse, f~shmull a'. ICUllan!; Secolll{ Row: J. Silcox, freshman duehesaj B. 1\-Iulhollnrul, junior duchess; J. I\1cKilll"y, senior duchess; 1\1. Whi"~ford, qnceu ; M. Frcrlrich. senior nllerullll1l; J. Eddy, senior 8I1el1.I""I; B. Sehmi.lI, sophomore dueh"5s. ][9
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