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RELICIOUS CROUPS THE WESLEYANS, a group of pre-minis- terial students. meet on Thursday nights to discuss the problems faced by the student in his ministry. Universal and national sl?irituai prob- lems have been the topics of various speakers and discussion leaders. The organization aims to help the ministerial student realize his possi- bilities. Under the leadership of Dr. Lawrence Little, the members have been able to broaden their outlook and to provide a better fellowship among the students. Experience in conducting services is supplied through the use of deputation teams which have conducted numerous services in the churches of nearby Westminster and Baltimore. THE S. C. A. is a non-denominational Christian organization on the "Hill" whose primary purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to actively participate in the regular weekly vesper service held in Baker Chapel each Wednesday evening. Realizing that a better understanding and a solution to the existing racial problem in our democracy is essential to the welfare of all. the organization has' sought through study and inter-racial exchange programs to learn more about the problem. Throughout the winjer months the group has sponsored many socials and dances in addition to the activities of Freshman Orientation Week. THE WILLIAM G. BAKER SUNDAY SCHOOL-At the beginning of each Sabbath. an ivy-covered gray stone building beckons the students and faculty of W.M.C. to worship within its walls. A room with sunlight stream- ing through the stained glass windows is the background for the weekly Sunday School in Baker Chapel. Jesus. during his lifetime. placed great value on human personality. One of the Sunday School's objectives is to encourage the growth of Christian personality. Students. regardless of denomination, are encouraged to assist in the planning and the leading of the programs. and to participate in the choir. Under the Sponsor- ship of Mr. Raver, the Sunday School endeavors to bring to the student body in the weekly service an enrichment for Christian living on the campus. What is The William G. Baker Sunday School? It is a chapel. a faculty sponsor. student leaders. hymnals, a choir, staine?-glass windows. But for all its organization. ItS pn- mary purpose is to promote spiritual growth which leads to the developing of Christian personalities. 82
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