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ECONOMICS CLUB The Economics Clu? ~f Weste~n Marylanrl College was established three years ago. Its m~mbershlp IS comprised principalfy of students in the Depart- ment of Economics and has had as ,Its officers for, the past year: Vernon H. Wiesand. president: John M., ~ill!ams. vice-preSlden,t; and Robert Beglin. secretary-treasurer. The organization has as its controllmg purpose the study of contemporary economic problems with a view to expelling common fallacies that exist in popular thinking. Left to right, st andtng : Schubert, Bowman, Ledford, Potts, Prettyman, Gruel, Siemon, Scott. Seated: Beglin, Wiesand, Williams. Left to right, .~t(lndjllg: Veale, Filsinger, Summers, Fox, Auld, Leister, Carter, Callahan, Walker. Seated: Miller, Smith, Bodmer, Webb, Bobst, Cooper, Gable, Spaulding. KlIeeihlg: Seltzer, Babb, Spry, Corbett. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS The French Club has devoted much of its time this year to helping promote a better understanding of the French people and in keeping France's culture alive. During the year Mrs. Summers has spoken on Switzerland and one meeting was devoted to readings from. great French poets. The traditional French carol singing rook place at Chnstmas nme. making its fine contribution to the true Christmas spirit. 78
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