Page 84 - YB1943
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THE S. C. t I. R. C. Left to right, standing: Naef, Preston, Mogosky, Left to right, standing: Wolfsheimer, Vermilyea, Naef, Patten, McWilliams, Gruel. Seated: Smith, Veale, Preston, Mogosky, Patten, Gruel. Seated; Poffenberger, Siewicz, Bell, Milby, Lodge, Reeves, Rohrer. Hurt, Pennington, lodge, McWilliams. K11eefi.n-g: Martin, Kester, Dittmar, Geary. The Student Council is set up to promote the The International Relations Club has as- general welfare of the student body and the sumed even greater 'importance this year by college. It provides experience in self-gove~n- providing speakers and discussions on our present rnent: promotes harmony and understanding world conditions. Professor Frank Hurt is the among student groups and between faculty and sponsor of the organization which has for its students: helps orient new students to the cam- officers:. Bill ~ennington. president: Ro~ney pus and encourage and support high standards Naef, vice-president: and Nelson Wolfsheimer. of student conduct. secretary and treasurer. As a member of the The outstanding accomplishment during the Carnegie Foundation. the club provides the past year was the signing of a "peace pact" with College with many fine volumes on inter- the University of Maryland regarding destruc- national affairs as well as bulletins on foreign tion of property on our respective campuses. policy and current events. Left to right, standing: Spicer, Gable, Wareheim, Eckhardt, Beck, Harmon, Ort, Turnley, Stevens, Grow, Spurrier. Seated: Cox, Hodgson, Rohrer, Horsey, Young, Hess, Townsend. Klleelhtg: Andrews, Quirk, Ogden, Broadrup. Moss, Clough, Metz. HOME ECONOMICS The Home Economics Club has completed a most successful year. centering its activities around subjects that would be of most usc in training its young women to face life in a war- torn world. Sponsored by Miss Helen Gray and led by President Janith Horsey. Vice-Presi- dent Frances Ogden. Treasurer Ruth Broadrup and Secretary Marian Young. the dub has helped rbe war effort by sponsoring the making of Red Cross blouses and Red Cross surgical dressings. 80
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