Page 81 - YB1943
P. 81
SIGMA SIGMA TAU THE YEAR 1942-1943 was a year that the Yuletide cheer and we laughed and made gave Sigma Sigma Tau an ever more important merry by candle light at our annual Christmas place in the hearts of its members, than before party. Next we initiated the first of a series of Because of the decrease in social activities due to teas to be sponsored by each of the sororities and the war and so many of our men leaving to join her brother fraternity. We utilized our musical the fighting forces. the sorority attempted to talent and those attending were delighted by give [he girls a social outlet by way of informal Alice Dittmar's program and the musical back- suppers and parties in the clubroom. ground furnished by our music students. all of Even more important the club initiated a pro- which gave a warm feeling of friendly gram for helping the war effort. An organized atmosphere. program for each member to participate in the Election of officers found Virginia Bell the next president. The program for spring activi- rolling of bandages for the Red Cross was inaugurated and help was given to the West- ties began. Pencils were sharpened and brains minster rationing board. put to work in an effort to raise and bring our Last, but not least. the girls kept the knitting present constitution up to date. Our Baltimore needles clicking for sweaters for the boys and as party had to be slightly altered and instead individuals did their level best to keep up became a Westminster party. The enthusiasm rnorale-c-':a woman's business" was not lessened, however, and everyone looks The Sigmas started the year with Peggy back on a very enjoyable evening of Charles Wilson as president. Under her term the Carroll chicken dinner and a Bette Davis movie. Homecoming Tea was held for returning Next plans were formulated for our Spring Alumni as the first social activity. In spite of Rush pany. We became "hicks for just a day" the transportation difficulties many "Sister Sigs" -forgot our troubles and fell into bed that returned and chatted and reminisced over the night tired but happy Sigmas. The year closed tea cups filled with cider. Next came initiation. with the traditional Farewell Banquet to the The "Sigma Family" appeared on the campus. seniors. Sigma Sigma Tau looked back on the On successive days "Papa" "Baby", "Grand- year with satisfaction and with the hope that mother" and the maid made onlookers sit up the coming year will bring PEACE ON and take notice. Before we knew it Christmas EARTH-GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN' season was upon us. The clubroom took on 77
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