Page 87 - YB1943
P. 87
'. St(l1/dillg: Bodmer, Wilson, Ccusius, Bell, We know you're fooling, Hawk. Bowers, Thrush. Sitting: Rue, Branford, Rose, M. A. Smith, Clarke, Reeves, Hawkins. COLLEt( PLAYERS "Tbe play's the thing.". and the College , the great teacher" Players are there to prove it. They are talented Individual senior recitals held in January and and efficient: the club active and successful March climaxed a long struggle to prove, by Most everyone longs to do something in own choice of parts, the capabilities of each and dramatics, whether enthusiasm be centered upon win a favorable reaction from the audience. writing. acting, directing, stage crew. ushering. In December. pantomime was gracefully and make-up, or critic. Each student has the oppor- effectively expressed in the annual Christmas tunity to show, by joining the Dramatic Club, presentation entitled "A Worship Service" just where his or her skill lies. based on the Venire Adoremus of Frederica Bel- The forte of the organization lies in two lamy. In February, three one-act plays. "Dots major plays produced each year which are open and Dashes", "Tragic Christening", and "Good to the public as well as to the student body. Night Caroline", offered combinations of com- The plays chosen are selected to give as many edy and tragedy to irs theatre-goers. as possible an opportunity for self-expression. In theatrical parlance, it's a challenge to get This year "The Male Animal" and "Stage "on with the show" to even greater depths. We. Door" were produced by Miss Esther Smith, the players of '43, wish you success and fame. Our Happy Home Director Clarke
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