Page 85 - YB1943
P. 85
CHOIR-A MIGHTY FORTRESS is OUR blouses and dark skirts This added to the GOD .... And so another year draws to a simplicity and attractiveness of the program. dose with the singing of the traditional hymn The chorus made real strides this year for by the College Choir. This year OUf efforts they presented a program which was not only were confined to the regular Sunday night delightful. but also very artistic. Chapel services, and the annual services of Thanksgiving and Palm Sunday held at West- ORCHESTRA-The orchestra. which is minster High School. To do our part in keep- under the competent direction of Professor ing up the morale of "our boys". we presented Philip Royer. is composed of students and pro- a program of religious and secular numbers to fessors who. musically speaking. wish to keep the officers and men at Aberdeen Proving Grounds on April 24, 1943. "in the swing" On January 25. they gave their first annual performance under the batons GLEE CLUB-This year. under the direction of eight "future Stokowskis" in the persons of of Miss Grace Cordia Murray, the Girl's Glee student conductors. A year of hard work was Club made four public appearances. brought to a close on April 29 by an all Mozart On April 26. in Alumni Hall. the Glee Club concert. which featured his "Jupiter Symphony" for the first time in special costumes of white and two arias sung by Alice Dittmar. 81
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