Page 89 - YB1943
P. 89
AND HER COURT Spring on the campus . blossoming fruit ing of spring, ushering in blue skies. trees and balmy breezes. . arid with spring shine. bright flowers, and gay dresses, when the has come May Day . a day of laughter and stately parade of beauty announces to the wait- fun when beauty reigns supreme. The May ing crowd "Spring is here to stay"! No mor .. Queen and her court preside over the festivities. fining representatives could have been chosen to lending an air of glamour and charm to the join nature. newly garbed in the pastels of whole day-a day to be remembered long after spring. in making May Dayan occasion to be the curtain of night has shut it into the past. The carried in our memories as a day when the final Queen-"she walks in bcauty"-ber court, the vanquishing of the bleak and frosty days of "cream of the crop"-the entertainment "fir for winter was celebrated once more by pageantry a queen" and the evening of dancing-c-t'the end and merriment. Hail to the Queen of the May of a perfect day". This day is the formal open- and her court! Macklin, Burr, Whiteford, M. A. Smith, Larmore, Hawkins, Wilson, V. Bell, Moss, Himler, T'r-iesler, Marsh 85
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