Page 83 - YB1943
P. 83
Left to right, standing: Graham, Clark, Miller, Gable, Waters, Sowter, Griffen, Forsythe, Siemon, Meeth, Cooper, Huber. Seated: Hall, Gable, Metz, Rose, Horsey. its annual At ARCONAUTS as its speaker Dr. May banquet. the society had to Fred G. Holloway. Those be graduated "cum laude" or "summa cum VERNA COOPER laude" then ceremoniously attained full fellow" JANITH HORSEY ship in the society. ~·.',','.·DOROTHY SOWTER To encourage sound scholarship. to recognize BETA BETA BETA high scholastic standing. and to promote fellow- ship among students and faculty-these arc the The Alpha Mu Chapter of Beta Beta Beta, purposes of THE ARGONAUTS. the Western national honorary biological fraternity. has Maryland honor society. Formed under the experienced a most successful year under the leadership of Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf in 1935. capable leadership of its officers. .Ianith Horsey. the organization derived its name from those Jack Rawlins, Peach Garrison. Virginia Waters, Argonauts of ancient Greek legend who sought and Mary Virginia Walker. Wednesday after- the golden fleece of tru~h and wisdom .. Since noons in the lab. tea and cookies. and the many then it has become an integral part of life on interesting discussions have left with us pleasant the "Hill" memories and a feeling of fellowship. Associate members. juniors and seniors main- We take with us as a challenge the threefold taining a scholastic average of "B" or above. purpose of this organization: to stimulate sound carry on t~e work. assisted by their spo~sors scholarship. to promote the dissimination of Miss Addle Belle Robb and Dr. \yli1i<1lTI scientific truth, and to further biological investi- Ridington. gation Left to right, standing: Griffen, Ogden, McDorman, Waters, Kuhn, Rawl- ins, Meeth, Metz, Hall, Higman. Seated: Bertholf, Walker, Horsey, Thompson, Bennigholf. K7leeliug: Bradley, Garrison, Cooper.
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