Page 78 - YB1943
P. 78
PHI ALPHA MU 1943-sorority in wartime, rationing of this Twice gas ration put a definite damper on our and of that. But there was no rationing of Baltimore party, the Club substituted a West- the Phi Alph good times. Of course. there ate minster party instead, Although a little of the things that we miss, such as a Baltimore party, glamor was lacking, the chicken was just as but we managed to have a memorable time right good, the corsages were just as lovely, and the fun and laughter was just as much in evidence. here in Westminster. In February the club again turned its mind to With the beginning of the year we were membership when it gave its Freshman Tea. busily occupied with taking in new pledges This was the first of the rush functions for Purple and white drum majors, soldiers. sailors, freshmen. and Red Cross nurses were in evidence for sev- The second freshman function was the Hobo eral days, and through it all. the pledges "did Hitch. Held midst the troubles of gas short- nobly" At the end of their period of trial, ages and food shortages, the party was, never- they found that their slave-driving sisters could theless, a wonderful one. Forgetting for an really be human and not just female counter- afternoon all their soon-to-be-due papers and parts of Simon Legree. tests. the girls had a regular picnic kind of good Although the Phi Alphs can't claim it as a time. And. although food is said to be scarce- club activity, they did feel pretty excited about how we did eat! tbe wedding that took place in Baker Chapel, Graduation brought thoughts of departing for the bride was none other than their last seniors. As a sendoff to their oldest sisters, the year's president and the groom was president of underclassmen gave the Senior Phi Alphs a din- their brother club, the Gamma Bets. For this Corsages and toasts to each senior club occasion the Phi Alphs all turned out in their member made this a really gala occasion. "new fall best" Then graduation caused a breaking up of the The Christmas season just never goes by Phi Alpb circle. But in future years the same without a celebration by the Phi Alphs. With feeling for the white and purple will remain in the clubroom greatly holly-bedecked and with the thoughts of the seniors. The club song presents piled at the foot of the tree, it was expressed it correctly when it says that they will impossible to feel any way but Christmasy. be "loyal forever to Phi Alpha Mu" 74
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