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shooting, which, until then, were new to our girls. Such spring sports again concluded the year's program. Other games of recreational nature, such as table tennis and shuffleboard, arc provided for the recreation of the students, but not stressed, and credit for horse-back riding is offered for those who are interested. This year a new field was opened, rifle marksmanship. Many of the girls followed up their interest with earnest practice, and Turner, Sowrer, and Linton, the high scorers in prone position, completed training with 98, 97, and 97 respectively. Each year the \VI. A. A. holds parties to which :111members are invited. Through these parties the girls are provided oppor- tunities co become better acquainted with their fellow players of all classes. The first party was a get-together in the form of a marshmallow roast at the pavillion in Harvey Stone Park. A complete picture of the year's sports program was brought before the freshmen as each sport manager gave n brief description of her activities. Later in the year n recreation program was held in Blanche \'(Iard Gym. Awards were given to those girls who had received :1 sufficient number of points to merit them. About sixty-five freshmen received their numerals and five juniors were awarded their \o/M's. The highest award given is the chenille M. Pour seniors received this emblem of proficiency: Ruth Mnc Vean, Emily Linton, Dorothy Turner, and June Lippy. At the end of the year, a farewell party was given, during which the officers for the coming year were installed. Although the department does not believe in, nor participate in, inrercollege women's activities, it does advocate "play-days." Our girls attended one this year at Towson. A hockey team, tennis players, and archers IntHcla51 Softball Champ;on.s--l, .. l; CLASS OF competed with three other schools. Interclass Tennis Finalist. The program offered by the physical education department is designed to fit the girl rather than to force the girl to fit the program.
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