Page 134 - YB1942
P. 134
RIFLE TEAM finished the season with n record of rwo wins, one tie and two losses. SCHEDULE Captain \'V'illiam Leister rounded out four Feb. 7 Johns Hopkins Univ. 1296 1294 years of service on the team by upholding 14 Gettysburg College 1269 1269 a Leister family tradition in equalling the 20 Georgetown Univ. 1306 1368 28 Georgetown Univ. 1292 1351 last year's record of his brother Mike, a Mar. 14 Johns Hopkins Univ. 1122 1268 graduate of 1941, stationed at this writing at Fort McCielbn, Alabama. Officer ill charge Lt. Henry Caples In addition CO the usual shoulder-to- Coach Sgt. Rufus C. Puryear shoulder engagements, the team was entered Captain \X1illiam Leister in the \X'iHiam Randolph Hearst Trophy competition in which \X'escern Maryland's Due to the continued perseverance and team captured tenth place out of a field of thirty-one. coaching ability of "Sarge" Puryear, the At the parade following Company Com- Rifle Team showed a marked improvement petitions on MlY 7, [he varsity "M" for this year over recent seasons. Under his rifle was awarded to Willi:llll Leister, Ben- guidance, seven seasoned team veterans, and five recruits were molded into a team that jamin Cantwell, Robert Stone, James Hig- man, Richard Baker, \X'erner Orrison, Rich- ard Patten, and Marvin Evans. The season was officially closed by a ban- quet held at the city restaurant, \X'escmin- seer, at which Lt. Charles Havens of the Home Guard was the guest of honor.
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