Page 127 - YB1942
P. 127
Incercla., Ch~mp;on. Hockey: SOPHOMORES. girls reported for practice and the competi- of tournament, interest was held through- tion was keen. At the end of the last game out the season. The junior team finished the of the tournament, the sophomores held the season with the championship, led by the championship, followed by the juniors, ace shots] Steele and Routson. These twO freshmen, and seniors. Members for the girls, together with \"'(fentz, were the for- honorary team were difficult to select, but wards chosen for the honorary basketball finally the following girls were picked as team. Thompson '45 was forward alternate. the most outstanding hockey players: on the The guards were Linton, Schrt and \Xlhit- forward line, Dieffenbach '44, Little '45, more, with MacVean as alternate. Price '44, Sowter '43, and Linton '42-with An important part in the program was \Xfilkills '45, and \Xlhitmore '43 as alternates. also played by individual sports. About Speed, accuracy of dribbling and passing, seventy-five girls signed up for the eliruina- and cooperation were the outstanding qual- tion tournament in badminton, which, icies for which these forwards were selected. when completed, revealed Emily Linton, a The backfield included three half backs, senior, as the school champion. The nets Wentz '44, DuVall '45, and Hausman '45; two fullbacks, MacVenn '42 and Bentley Senior "M" 8;r\o: lefl Turner, 10 ri,hl-MacVun, Linton, Lippy '43 j with alternates Steele '43 and Johnson '44. These girls made up a fine defense combination and were ably backed by Davis '44, who was chosen honorary "goalie." \Xlhen the weather was no longer suitable for outdoor play, the call for basketball practice was issued. The response was excel- lent, and through the "round-robin" type
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