Page 124 - YB1942
P. 124
TRACK winning every event, inflicted all 84 to 23 SCHEDULE defeat on the Terrors. Price, Taylor, Mans- Apr.15 Johns Hopkins, home 56Yz 51Y: berger, Godwin, Tinder, and Coffman 22 Gettysburg, home 23 84 scored seconds for \o/estern Maryland. 25 Penn Relays, away 29 Dickinson, away May 8 Mason-Dixon Tourna- GOLF ment at Baltimore \"'estern Maryland's divot diggers began a much better than average season during In the absence of n regular coach, Tommy 1942 by winning four of their six matches. Price, a junior, took over the reins as coach Hausler and Holloway, playing at the num- of the \X'esrern Marylnnd track team this ber one and two positions respectively, season. turned in, consistent excellent scores during In their first meet, the Green Terrors the season. triumphed over Johns Hopkins 56 Yz to Lavin had a winning streak of five 51 Yz, as Price placed first and Coffman matches early in the season before it was second in the broad jump, H. Hal! won the broken by Loyola. M. Phillips was a con- 220 yard dash and Mansbcrger placed second sistent low scorer and F. Cook and Brooks in the quarter mile. Godwin and Mendell rook care of the fifth and sixth positions in 'placed one-two in the half mile, and Taylor good fashion. scored a second for the Terrors in the one Outstanding victories were scored over mile run. Johnson won the javelin, and George \'\fashington and the University of Kugler, Bricker, and Kilkuskie scored Baltimore, the triumph over the Bees being seconds in the field events. the first the Terrors have earned from the Gettysburg then visited Hoffa Field and, Baltimore team. Seated, left ta rigbt; Oulron, Collman, Faughman, W. Hall, Dudley, H. Hall. St,,,,
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