Page 126 - YB1942
P. 126
?amen! cf;tfleltt5 W.A.A. President June Lippy 'Yice-President Ruth MacVean Secretary Marie Steele Treasurer Mary Louise Sehrc Hiking Mauager Helen Herninghaus Hockey Manager Emily Linton Miss Ros ..ldn Todd nod Miss Marj" Parker. Badminton MOl/ager Muriel Harding Basketball Mallager Ruth Ann \Whitmore Volleyball Manager Emily Billingslea selected on the basis of attendance at prac- of sportsmanship. tice, skill, and quality Softball Manager Anna Myers The tournaments in each team-sport arc Tennis Manager Phyllis Cade divided into First and Second Divisions: the Archery Mallager Dorothy Turner first division being comprised of the "A" Golf Mallager Ellen \\7:llker team from each class; the Second Division including all teams other than the "A" teams. At che end of each sport season, an The aim of the women's athletic program honorary team is elected by the \Y1. A. A, is to reach every girl by some game or sport. Board from the outstanding members of the Physical activity is required for tWO hours First Division teams of all four classes. a week in the freshman and sophomore Honorary team members receive no extra years, and for those who desire more par- points and play no games as a team. Selec- ticipation in sports and games the \'{Iomen's tion is merely in recognition of the superior Athletic Association sponsors an intramural abilities of some of our athletes. program. The program is divided by seasonal sports. Every girl who wishes to participate in a This program for 1941-1942 began ear-ly in sporr is placed on a class team. Teams are the fall with hockey. A large number of The Woman'J Athletic Anociation Board ,"eet •.
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