Page 125 - YB1942
P. 125
Intramural Touch Footb,,!1 Champion!: Delt" Pi Alpha frat ..rnity. INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS Intramural sports for the 1941-1942 cam- Basketball in the "An league went to the paign brought probably the best talent in Bachelors as mentioned, and "B" league was many a year, as the four fraternities and taken by Delta Pi Alpha. The Preachers also club teams battled once again in the much led the two leagues in volley ball. disputed intramural race. A close race in track found the Preachers In football and basketball this was espe- edging out the Bachelors 35 to 27, while the cially noticeable as high calibre players were Gamma Bets totaled 14 points and the Black numerous on almost :'IIIof the four frater- and \Vhites 3 for the only complete spring nity teams. Alpha Gamma Tau, winners sports event. of the basketball crown, boasted one of the In the three remaining sports, Delta Pi best balanced quints in fraternity history Alpha is defending champion of softball and swept through the season, winning both and tennis, while Gamma Beta Chi defends fraternity and school championships. Delta golf. Pi Alpha was runner-up, Pi Alpha Alpha had one of its best (C:lITIS in recent years, and Gamm:l Beta Chi pulled two or three major Baoketb:o.lI Ch:o.mpiDns: Alpha Gamma Tau Fraternir;y. upsets. In touch football, Delta Pi Alpha's Preachers rode their win streak to 27 games over a three year span in capturing the frarcrnicy and school championship for the fourth year in a row.
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