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and rackets arc always available throughout the season for all girls who wish to play, not only in the tournament, but also in singles and doubles for pure recreation. Although the interest this year in volley ball was not as great as in other sports, rivalry ran high. The sophomore class team chalked up its second championship of the year by defeating the defending senior team. The style of volleyball played is that allow- ing for one girl, a rover, to play on the right back line, and for every other girl to keep her same position throughout the game. Linton was selected as "rover" on the hono- rary team for her ability to play in any posi- tion. The net players need height as well as skill, and Mac Venn, Sehrt, and Routson were chosen on this position with Ort as alternate. The second line players were Steele, ""rentz, and Bensman '45, with Dyson '44 as alternate; M. Honeman '45 and Rovecamp '44 with the "rover" com- prise the back line. Hoke alternated. The spring season transferred our sports interests once more out on campus, and girls' softball offered a great deal of interest to bystanders as well as a great deal of en- joyment to those participating. The skill in this sport has not been developed by the girls to the extent to which it has in other sports, but this year, it, as always, offered them the opportunity for development which other sports cannot give. The junior class team captured the championship. Tennis, archery, and golf were also offered in the spring. Every year the college pre- sents to the winner in tennis a loving cup which she keeps for that year and upon which her name and year are engraved. Tn addition, each class winner is awarded a small bronze statuette. The four tennis courts arc seldom found empty in good weather. \0/. M. C. archery girls participate in the lnterdus R;uketb ..11 Chllmpions; JUNIORS. intercollegiate telegraphic meet. Last year Interdus Volleyball ChllmpinM; SOPHOMORES. three girls maintained a score of over three hundred, an improvement over previous trials. Several of the girls went to \'V'etson College in Apri! to participate in an archery clinic that included clout shooting and flight
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