Page 131 - YB1942
P. 131
named Lieutenant Colonel, Robert Shock- ley, Major, and Addison]. Beane, Adjutant. Company Captains Robert Bricker, Nor- man Fay, Richard Baker, and Paul Myers, and Band Captain 'o/i11iam Vincent lost no time in whipping into shape company cadres of experienced men from last year's classes, and training new men in the manual of arms and close order drill. DECEMBER 7, 1941 ... Pearl Harbor was unexpectedly bombed by the Japanese! DECEMBER 8, 1941 . "J hereby de- clare that a state of war has existed with Japan since 2 p.m., December 7, 1941." With the passing of those fateful hours, renewed vigor pervaded the ''''estern Mary- land battalion. "Defense effort" ceased to Lt. Col. Charle. M. Walton, P.M.S. &" T. exist and the "total war effort" more than filled its place. Every cadet and cadet officer at Western Maryland College realized Department, the Military Department in- the significance of the treachery of Decem- stituted a physical program designed to in- ber 7. All realized that every effort that had clude all men of the student body. The been made before had to be doubled and re- R. O. T. C. unit, using itself as a cadre, doubled; winning such a W:1r was to be a formed the necessary organization for the twenty-four hour a day, day after day, job protection of the campus in the event of an for each and every man and W01l1:1n. ''''ith air raid. The Military Department, cooper- the cooperation of the Physical Education nting with the "three year plan" proposed Lt. Lawrence S. Reynold~. Lt. G. Henry CaJ!I~5.
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