Page 122 - YB1942
P. 122
BASEBALL the entire route for the Terrors, allowing but ten scattered hits, while Bunky Morris SCHEDULE W.M. OPP. pitched the whole game for Syracuse and Apr. 8 Syracuse, home allowed thirteen blows. 11 Penn State, away Cancelled The Terrors scored two runs in the first 22 Me. St. Mary's, away frame as Elmer Evans started the inning 24 Villanova, home 16 with ::I single. Nemo Robinson then forced " Georgetown, away \2 6 Evans at second base, but Lodge slugged a home Mt. St. Mary's, double across the plate. to send Robinson 27 29 Loyola, away John Hancock fanned and Charley Johns Hopkins, home Tsouprake, with tWO out, hit ::I sharp Carholic V., away grounder to Bill Sylvestri, Syracuse short- America U. (2 games), home stop, but the ball went through him and Aberdeen Proving Grounds, away Lodge scored. Manny Kaplan then flied out Catholic V., home to right field. 13 Aberdeen Proving Grounds, home In the eleventh, the Terrors almost won as 16 Loyola, home Lodge led off with [I double, was sacrificed to third by Hancock, but was later caught off third. Bricker, pinch-hitting for Schu- \\7estern Maryland's 1942 baseball team was bert, then singled, ::IS did Kaplan; Barrick one of the most formidable Terror squads struck out to end the frame. The contest to run on the diamond in the past few years. was finally called by the umpires at 7 P. M. The coaching set-up was altered be~ausc of because of darkness. Rip Engle's moving on to BrO\~n Unlversi~y, A phenomenal late-spring blizzard kept and in his absence, Bobby Bricker, varsity the team off the diamond for a week, and receiver for the past two seasons, ably the game with Penn Stare was canceled be- coached the team. The Terrors started the cause of snow in Pennsylvania. Games with season in great style by holding the highly Mount St. Mary's, Villanova, Georgetown, favored Syracuse University team to a fif- Loyola, a double-header with American V., teen inning 6 to 6 tic. The Green team went tilts with Catholic V., Johns Hopkins, and into the ninth with a two run lead but tWO Aberdeen Proving Grounds were also on the errors coupled with two singles by the calendar of the Terror team as the ALOHA Orangernen tied the score. Lee Lodge toiled went to press.
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