Page 119 - YB1942
P. 119
ern Conference; but Orrenzi lost his only fight of the season to Jack Gilmore, and Earl Schubert and Bill Baylies lost on deci- sions. Zeigler, Preston, and Baker lost by the TKO route. The Terrors then defeated Lock Haven 40 to 3 Y2 in Gill Gym, with Hall register- ing a knock-out, and Orrenzi, Baker and Jensen winning by decisions. Godwin again gained a draw. At \\lest Point, with \'V'estcrn Maryland garnering points only in the middle and heavier-weight classes, Army won 5 to 3. Or cenzi and Jensen won by decisions, while Hall and Godwin fought to draws. Alex- ander, Bin Sires, and Schubert lost their lntcccollegiatc Champion, 165.1b. chu, CarloOrten,,;. fights by decision, and Baker lost by a TKO. Coast Guard then defeated Western lost to Don Pence of Army on a disputed Maryland at Gill Gym 4 Y2 to 2 Y2; for, decision. Ortenzi received a "bye" in his although Alexander fought a cagey fight to bracket and Jensen cleanly knocked out gain the verdict in the 120 pound class, and Milton Parlow, giant heavyweight from Orrenzi won by a TKO, Sires, Hall, and Virginia. Godwin dropped decisions. Faughman's Cicalia of Maryland decisioned Alexander fight was declared "no contest" when he in the semi-finals, but the Terrors gained a suffered a Cut eye in the first round. Baker rhird place point when he advanced to this was TKO'd in the third round, and Jensen fight. To advance to the finals Or renzi and \Vard Davies fought to a draw. knocked out Julius Kund as Syracuse in the The regular season was closed as the Green first round, and Jensen decisioned Len team traveled to Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Rodman of Maryland. won over the Teachers, 5 to 3. Alexander, In the finals, Ortenzi and Gilmore of Han, Godwin, and Jensen won on TKO's, Maryland met for the second time of the while Ortenzi won by a decision. season, and the Terror mittman was not to Alexander, Han, Ortcnai, and jensen, all be denied victory and the championship. sophomores, were entered in the Eastern Sal Marabiro, defending heavy-weight Intercollegiate Boxing Association's tourna- champion from Syracuse, met Jensen and ment held at the University of Virginia. defeated him in a close battle. Jensen won Alexander won his preliminary bracket the first round, but Marabiro took the next fight, upsetting Bob Lahm of Army. Hall two rounds and the championship. zz: ';f:d~,:,ig::~·i.~~n~m~:~a=:;gta:;~~lr¥t:,':di,,~;,e~i::~n~~:~as~":utdc~~i~~~r~nj~~It~:.a~:~1tK;"g~::id~~i~~t Orten~j, Ze,glec, Sic",.
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