Page 100 - YB1942
P. 100
... • • DEBATING The full deb"te te3rn gather. for a round uble con- ference on the nntional question, "Re.olved, th"l the Feder,,1 Government should regulate by law all labor "n;on. in the United Stue.," TAU KAPPA ALPHA Tau Kappa Alphn, national honorary deboting fra_ ternity, i. repre,enled on the cant"u. by R. J. R"kH, t. l. Srown, A. M. Bohle, and E. R. Thoma •. Prof. John D. Makoskey, the coach of the New York, Upsala College, University of \"'estern Maryland College debate team, has Florida, University of Pittsburgh, Ursinus been active in intercollegiate debating since College, Loyola College, Salisbury State he was a member of the first class ream that Teachers College, Carnegie Institute of represented the college against a rival team. Technology, and American University. This year, debating the national question, Tall Kappa Alpha, nncional honorary de- "Resolved: That the Federal Government bating frntcrnicy, is represented on the should regulate by law all labor unions in campus by a chapter led by President An- the United States," a team, numbering five drew Bohle, and counting rhrcc other mem- seniors, T. M. \Vood, R. J. Baker, R. C. bers, Baker, L L. Brown, and Thomas. The Myers, A. M. Bohle, and E. R. Thomas, and constitution of the fraternity requires that three underclassmen, A. \'(1, Jones, J. S. a debater par-ticipate in at [east three inter- W'hiteford, and G. \VI. Wilson, opposed collegiate debates before he is eligible for across the rostrum representatives of other colleges, both in McDaniel Lounge and on membership. Under this rule, Whiteford, distant platforms. Met during the 1941- \\7;[son, and Jones will be eligible for mem- 42 season were teams from City College of bership in 1942-43.
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