Page 103 - YB1942
P. 103
Left to right, ualcd: voss, Beg1;n, D~. E. K. Schempp, Wi!l;amo, Pc .... B..ane, Wiesand, Gelder, Peellyman; .ta"ding; Cook, Schubert, Hancock, Himler, Scott, Siemon, G~"el, Potu. ECONOMICS CLUB Le CERCLE FRAN~AIS The Economics Club which was formed Under the banner of the Fleur de Lys, only two years ago has fast been making a McDaniel Hall Lounge on the third Monday place for itself on the hill. Its member- of every month takes on an atmosphere ship is comprised principally of students in reminiscent of the French. Every Monday the Department of Economics. It has as evening, special tables in the dining and hall are by lighted distinguished candles place its controlling purpose the study of contem- cards .and a gay' chatter of French con- porary economic problems with a view to versation. dispelling common fallacies that exist in Under the capable leadership of its offi- popular thinking. The economic issues cers, Virginia Sweeney, Presidenre: Jim which we arc now facing as a result of the Snodgrass, Vice-Presidence ; Jerry Diener, present world crisis have been the keynote Tresorier ; and Edna Triesler, Secretaire, and of meetings during the past year. enthusiastically sponsored by Mlle. Margaret Led by President Addison Joynes Beane, Snader, Le Cerc!e Francais has enjoyed a Vice-President Vernon \'Viesand, and Sec- busy year. October, the initial meeting. retary- Treasurer John \Williams, the club November, a bridge and game party. sponsored its initial banquet in May, 1941, December, the annual program of French and, by repeating the affair in 1942, estab- carols and the Christmas Story ... Febru- lished what is hoped will be an annual ary, a Valentine party ... March, an illus- trated lecture on the art at Versailles ... and tradition. i finally April, the spring play, Les Precieuses The club meets bi-monthly; at which Ridicules. time current issues are covered by moving As always, the consistent entbousiasme of pictures, oral reports by members, lectures the majors of the French Department has by outside speakers and informal panel been a major factor toward the success of discussion. the La Cerc!r Francais. Including member. of bOll. 'lllden' body- fre.hmen, .ophomor,·., juniors, and '''nioel _nnd fa~ul,y, Lc Ccrde Fr''''J;''i' meet> in McDaniel Lou,,);e durin); ,he year for edu- c~do",,1 and $Oci:ll program •.
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