Page 99 - YB1942
P. 99
President Sl'rgrllllf-af-Arms CAR.OLlNE RUDISILL MIRIAM SMR.OYER JUNE LU'I'Y REIlI!CCA LARMORE ViCI'_PrrIitfr,lt VIRGINI,\ jOCf{£L Slimbilll' Mf'Hl'lIgl'r ADELE MASTEN PEARL BODMER $pcrl'fary CORDELIA PR1CE MARY STEVENSON MARGARET RUDY A/I/wllal' Secri'tary Treasurer MARY MILLER GEOIIG[[, Mu.uv MAI\GAIIET REYNOLDS MIlUAJI,I SHROYER SIGMA SIGMA TAU It is always good to be back on College funny little gifts and verses, the Christmas Hill, despite outside worries and a short spell tree, and food plus more food. of homesickness for summer freedom that After Christmas we made plans for our is somewhat limited by daily classes. The Baltimore parry. \X1eeks after this trip to gay shore party at Ocean City had given Ford's and "dinner out" we were still ap- us brown bodies and golden memories, the plauding Sylvia Sidney. former of which soon faded, the latter of Then came the rush rca for freshmen, for which never will. \X1hocan deny, knowing which we donned our best dresses, and Ipana the exuberance of those days, that the quali- smiles; and when we kid crossed this date ties which we seek to instill in ourselves as off our calendar, we put an "X" through sisters were nor there in reality? l'hc one that marked our tea dance with the Soon after the return to school, we were Black and \X1hites. At the alumni tea, our plunged inro the important task of bidding president, June Lippy, was honored by be- and subsequently initiating new members. ing chosen "The Most Typical Sigma." The hectic week bringing its amusing Soon after, we invited the freshmen to Chinese maidens, Pocohontnses, and "ladies take to the outdoors with" us-Tramp Hol- of the shower," passed on; and the pledges low became our dining room and hot dogs became our baby sisters, still to be initiated the entree on the menu. \'
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