Page 102 - YB1942
P. 102
EASTERN ARTS ASSOC. This year the Western Maryland chapter of the Junior Chapter of the Eastern Arts As- sociation was formed to provide individual and professional help for those students who are preparing to teach ar-t. Elected as officers were Edna Bandcrf, president; Thomas Bush, recording secre- tary-treasurer; Ellen Honcman, correspond- ing secretary. The members designed posters for the opera, planned visits to nearby art galleries, :J.Beaux Arts Ball, and staged the armua l art exhibit. CAMERA CLUB During 1941-42, Camera Club members have had as an aim to develop their tech- nique as well as their films. Armed with a new dark room, and guided by the experience of Prof. Milson Raver and Dean Free, and led by President Orrison, an active membership kept an image of per- fection in focus. Phocogr:J.phic:J.lly speaking, the dub looks forward to enlarging its membership and developing future Margaret Bourke \o/hites and Sreichens. After all, there's no fiend like :J.candid fiend. CHESS CLUB Take a quiet room and plenty of time, add one chessboard, two enthusiasts and Pa- tience-and-c!Jeckll/tlfe-that is chess. Appreciation of the art or science of chessboard strategy is the by-word of the Chess Club that this year, led by President \O/illial11 Taylor, made its formal debut. Competition has been limited to tourna- ments with Johns Hopkins University and the Naval Academy, but the historic game, CrutDU and ..ppr of all type. of graphic art. beloved through the years, begins to live There'. no fiend like a Camera fiend. again on the \o/estern Maryland campus. Chen enu.usia.u gather to kibitz respectfully.
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