Page 104 - YB1942
P. 104
S" .. ted: MacVe;on, Ritchie, Ellwein, Tarbutton, White, Lodge. Sta"d'''B, PrJt roW: RobiMon, Fraley, Milby, Smith, Rehert, PrUton. Sta ..t/iNg, leco"d row: Workman, Hau5man, H"ncock, Greenwood, Man.berger. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA THE S. G. A. A visitor to Lewis Hall will often sniff the \%rking upon the assumption that disci- air and inquire, "\Where is that horrible odor pline, wisely enforced, is the best insurance coming from?" The answer? You can bet; for social freedom, the Student Government it's coming from "Chemist's Heaven" Association continued on its dual highway where an ambitious Alpha Delt is trying a toward an ideal of student effected order. new chemistry experiment. The men's board has kept as its primary These budding scientists, however, take purpose the maintenance of gentlemanly their work seriously and Alpha Delta conduct, the grill enlargement, the installa- Lambda is one of their pet projects. BiH tion of private phones in the men's dormi- Leatherman as president, Louise Young as tories, and the privilege of keeping cars on secretary-treasurer, and an activities COIll- the campus. The women's board has en- mit tee composed of Janus Yentsch and deavored to help girls make the adjustment Warren Spencer have this year ably created to college life, and to preserve high stand- a club program including moving pictures ards of conduct. on various commercial chemical processes The Student Government Association has and lectures given by the faculty sponsors tried to create the understanding that it can and by the members themselves. be successful only with the respect and sup- An Alpha Delta audience wil! never be- port of the students who arc theoretically come bored as long as the subject is science. behind it. P~of. Jackson Sickel. dcn,oMt~at~5, to members of the Alph" Del.n Lnmbdn, nn "xperiment in n research problem of inte~c.t.
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