Page 105 - YB1942
P. 105
On the fourth Monday in "vcrI' month, McDaniel Hall lounge i,the.ceneofearnc .. discu •• ion and heated deba.e by Jtudenu whose intere.t i" world aff"in ha. bee" materially stimulated by 19....1_1942'J catalog of even,.. Alway. energetic, the Home Economic< Club, compo.ed of ",ajors in the department, numbers more .han fonY!ll"mbi!r< THE I. R. C. THE HOME ECONOMICS "These are the times that try men's souls." CLUB In such times when mechanized forces have speeded up the tempo of daily living, it is The past year has opened to the Home Eco- necessary for educational institutions to nomics Club many new fields of service. In keep the public informed on existing world addition to its usual meetings, its bake sales, conditions. and student fashion show, the club spon- Under the sponsorship of Mr. Frank sored productive Red Cross sewing and Hurt, Professor of Political Science and knitting projects. The club's large mem- specialist on the Far East, and led by Presi- bership moved toward its objective of train- dent Phoebe Robinson, the Iutcrnntional ing young WOmen to be active and efficient Relations Club has, through the presenta- leaders in home and community-an objec- tion of illustrated lectures, round cable dis- tive made more significant in 1941-1942. cussions, and debates, attempted not only to Sponsored by Miss Helen Gray, the club achieve this purpose, but also to foster an is composed of Home Economics majors and international spirit among the students on is a member of the College Students Home college hill. Economics Club of Maryland.
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