Page 95 - YB1942
P. 95
OFFICERS Prrsidl'lIl RUTH MACVEAN vice-President MABELYN BERTHOLF SI'crl'fary Treasurer EMILY LINTON Alum/lae Snrelary ELOISE WRIGHT Spollsor MISS MI\RGARET SNADER THE J. G. C. ]. G. C. is the oldest social club on the days later, a more elaborate banquet W:J.S hill. Formed by four girls in 1894 as a held. secret organization, it continues to carry the "The club really served no other purpose, same mystery today. Significant from the then, except the fun and the expectation first the initiation ceremony was designed of joining some d:J.Y. But I think this was to be terrifying and served as the only real a good purpose, and I for one, look back on meeting of the club during the year. ~~e~~ri~'. as., one of my happy college Mrs. Fred A. Kullrnar, '14, writes: "It has been about twenty-five years since I was In 1938, drastic revisions in the club oc- initiated by ;1 very ghostly ceremony into curred: a sponsor was selected and the con- the mysteries of J. G. C. At that time it stitution was revised; the club became a was a club rather frowned upon, but tol- legitimate and functional organization. erated, by the faculty. I'm sure they did This year has again brought changes in not approve of the mystery, the nervous ex- the oldest club on the hill. J. G. C. main- citement, or the time of night at which its tains a large, comfortable room on the meetings were held. \\'lell do I recall the fourth floor of Me Daniel Hall, where the tension endured by the pledges. club meets each Tuesday night. Besides "It W;lS the custom of those chosen to these meetings, the club's activities included stage a parade through the halls of Old a house party at Ocean City, the rush party, Main, and a ghostly procession it was. open house at Homecoming and Com- Moaning and groaning, the line would pro- mencement, a hamburger party at the pa- ceed to the torture chamber, each to nwair vilion, Christmas banquet and movie, Bal- his turn in the ritual room. And woe be timore banquet, seeing Katherine Hepburn to those who were tOO bold or didn't visibly at Ford's, tea dance with the Preachers, and tremble; in current day slang, they 'got the a farewell party. works.' \'\fith initiation over and the club From a membership of four, the club has secrets revealed, the girls adjourned to a grown to rhiruy-two, and out of the blood, sumptuous feast-the custom for which T SWC:J.t,and tears of the first initiation has hear the .1. G. C. is still famous-and then grown the tradition that holds the ideals and to bed and to sleep-if one could! A few secrets of the]. G. C.
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