Page 97 - YB1942
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OFFTCERS President Sergl'allt-Ilt-Arms JEI\N LAMOIlEAU MARY JACKSON GLORIA SALERNO ANNE COVINGTON Vi(('-Pr('sir/flil CiJap/l,ill EU,,\NOR HEALY GLORIA SALERNO HELEN HE,\HNGHAUS MAR y ANN HASSENI'LUG SII!I.~iJill(, Committ('(' S(,cr(,tary DORIS LANE EDNA nl\NDOIU- ~\'I1\RGARET ANNE SMITH SARABEI_LE VEALE FRANCES OGDEN Trmsnrer Sjlf)lI.wr MARIE CRA\WFORD MISS ADDIE BELLE ROBB PHI ALPHA MU From beginning to end, this year has been Alphs calmly walked in their dorms at about one of fun and festivity for the Phi Alphs. UOA.M. \'<'ith the Ocean City house party still a Before long it was time to start again topic of conversation when college opened to think of the freshmen. The first rush in the fall, one could easily tell what n party, a tea, was given in the latter part of success it had been. February. Although, as teas go, it was The first few weeks of autumn hurried pleasant and social; it was on the "Hobo us toward the time to send out bids. On Hitch" that the club girls really got to know char fateful Monday night, eleven girls ac- the underclassmen. Dressed in old clothes, cepted the purple and white ribbon of Phi and in an hilarious picnic mood, the girls Alpha Mu and were taken to the City Res- "treasure-hunted," played games and ate- taurant for eats, and also to catch up on oh, how they ate! conversation after the silence period which Crowded in the general end-of-the-year precedes bidding. Initiation followed close rush, were the tea dance with the Gamma on the heels of this, however, and the Bets, the farewell banquet, and the Pan pledges were put through all sorts of antics Hell as a "grand finale." Each of these cele- -one day as flappers, one day as pale u n- brations was really memorable; the Pan Hell glamour girls. wound up the year in wonderful style. In a few weeks a perky little Christmas \'<'ith the close of college the Phi Alphs tree and a holly wreath on the club room are again planning to be off in a few weeks door set the scene for the annual club for Ocean City. Regardless of the warn- Christmas party. Each gift was wrapped ings of the pessimistic characters that Ocean painstakingly and attractively, and the girls used up much energy trying to compose City will be practically nothing this year- "poetry" to accompany them. what with the war and blackouts-we are And as a post-Christmas present, the Phi looking forward to another glorious house Alphs dressed in the very best that they (or party, for nothing can "blackout" a Phi their roommates) possessed and treked off Alph good time. It is now we need good to Baltimore co see "Panama Hntrie." The times together to remember as something buses rolled back on the hill and the Phi that cannot be blacked out.
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