Page 83 - YB1940
P. 83
Lowery, George Myers, Henry Miller, and as a result of clean playing last season, and is, . Edward Thomas. at present, in the lead for the trophy this year. Our smoker for freshmen, a stag party A Bachelor served as president of the Inter; before the Christmas holidays, an "open fraternity Council both semesters, Harry house" to show off our redecorated room, Lowery, the first; and Donald Humphries, several tea dances, and a final banquet at the second. The latter, as general chairman Clear Ridge made up the social program for of the Pan-Hellenic Dance, put on a most the year. successful prom. In the field of sports competition, the Bachelors have been only fairly successful. Of irreparable loss to the club will be the Always contenders, they have lacked the graduation of our four senior members: final spark which wins championships. A Kermit Beyard, our able Alpha, Aloha tie for second place in the football league editor, honor student, Chemistry Club prexy; and a second place in the basketball league George Myers, vice-Alpha, athletic repre- give evidence of this. Many individual sentative, Dean's lister, master carpenter Bachelors, however, are to be found on the and handyman j Harry Lowery, Gamma, all-star teams and among the scoring leaders. music student, choir member; and Don While not winning the Athletic Cup, the Humphries, Tau, College Player, militarist, club was awarded the Sportsmanship Cup all-round intra-mural man. BEYARD LOWERY HUMPHRIES LEWIS HAHN HAUFF G, MYERS BRADLEY ELIAS '['RIESLER ECKERS WINDSOR BRICKER DOUGLAS EVANS KIDD p, MYERS RITCHIE SHUCK THOMAS ELLIOTT BROOKS BELT tI.'iACF ARLANE MORRIS HaHN
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