Page 118 - YB1940
P. 118
TRA~K SCHEDULE APR. 12-\VASHINCTON HOME APR. 17-GE1TYSBURG HOME APR. 24-l-iOI',KINS HOME M.~Y l-BI.UER!DGE HOME MAY 8-CATHOI.IC Uvrv. AWAY MAY IS-MASON-DIXON MEET BALTO. CHASE, COACH NATHAN A squad of twenty-five men, an abundance of rain, and no training faced Dr. Walter TAYLOR, WILLIAMS, ROBINSON, MORRIS Nathan as he took charge of the Green and Gold track men at the start of the 1940 season. With only three lettermen from last out and was definitely canceled. Gettys- year's team, namely Captain Lindsay Chase, burg's meet was also rained out but was a distance runnet-, Bill Robinson, a sprinter, scheduled for a later date. Then on April and Ed Lewis, a half.miler, Dr. Nathan took 24 Johns Hopkins came to Hoffa Field for advantage of his-nrnp!e supply of freshmen the first match of the season. The Terrors and developed a team strong in track events, scored 23 points in the track events and only yet weak in field competition. eight in the field to lose 77-3 I. Reds Bender and Frank Lesinski could be Outstanding performances of the day were depended upon for the pole vault, jumping, the winning of the two mile run with 300 javelin, discus and shot-put and their grad~- yards to spare by Captain Chase and the arion left a large hole to fill. At present, Bill winning of the 220 yard dash by Jack Morris. Walls handles the shot-put. Manny Kap'la~ In the two mile run Bill Taylor of the Terrors, hurls the javelin, Jack Stewart and Irv BIasI placed second while in the 220 yard dash Bill alternate with the discus, while Ben Griffith Robinson garnered third place. is the best pole-vaulter of the squad. pual meets with Gettysburg and Blue Thus Coach Nathan started the season RIdge College at home and with Catholic with a team whose ability was not yet known. University at Washington remain. Finally Five dual matches were scheduled. The first the squad will end its season as guests of the meet with Washington College was rained Mason-Dixon Conference meet at Baltimore. Oll~ hUlldr~d jour/un
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