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the season. In this game Western Mar-y, waning moments of the contest. This game land's height advantage went to naught was played before a record breaking crowd before the undefeated Villanova cour tmen. of 1200 people in Gill Gym and was West- Following these three consecutive defeats ern Maryland's outstanding game of the the Terrors rebounded to win two thrill season. packed games. Against the American Uni., The Terrors continued their losing ways versit y team Western Maryland won by a by dropping an impressive 50-3'2 victory to score of 50-4 I. This was the roughest game Washington College, largely as a result of of the season and saw four Eagles banished the sensational playing of Mike Kardasb. via the foul route. In another rough and Shortly after, Hopkins dropped its return tumble game two nights later, the Terrors game with the Terrors by a 44-41 score. The won from the Catholic University team 33-30. Terrors held the lead all the way although The Terrors then lost a heart-breaking Tnnnebaum gave them some uneasy game to Loyola 40-37 after leading until the moments. Two straight losses followed soon after. A close game was lost 38-34 by the Terrors to the Drew Preachers of Madison, New Jersey. Two nights later the Mount Saint Mary's team won an overtime game 33-3 I from the Western Maryland team. This game ended the home season and on the next Friday Western Maryland rang down the curtain on an improved basketball season by beating the American University Eagles 43-4 r. FAW HONEt'YIAN SUFFERN
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