Page 120 - YB1940
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GOLF to Western Maryland on Washington's sub- urban Beaver Dam course. In match play, The fourth year of golf at Western Mary, Burtis returned victor over Bob Harman, one land College produced the finest golf team up in eighteen holes and with Petrucci won that Western Maryland has ever possessed. best ball for the foursome. Maryland took Joe Oleair and Bill Thomas of last year's team the remaining matches to make the final were the only losses through graduation. score Maryland 7, Western Maryland 2. Captain Paul Burtis took Oleair's position Again playing at home the golfers took and with Mike Petrucci, John Pirie, Neal everyone of a four man match from West- Eckenrode, Bill Shockley, and Jack Thomp, chester Teachers College, winning 6-0. Burtis, son, proceeded to round out a well balanced Mike Phillips, Eckenrode and Thompson club that had seventeen scheduled matches were the victors of the day. before the season's end. Besides the scheduled matches, the West, With hardly any practice. the team trav- ern Maryland Invitation Tournament, and eled to Haverford, Pennsylvania, to meet the the Maryland Intercollegiate Tournament at Haverford College linksmen. Haverford, Pikesville, remain to be played, where team with the practice of four previous matches, and individual champions will be determined. took the Terrors in stride, the only winners for Western Maryland being Burtis and SCHEDULE Petrucci-who halved his match while Pirie, ApR '7-HAVERfORD AWAY Eckenrode, Thompson, and Shockley lost ApR. 18-FRANK_MAR~'1. AWAY their matches, making the score 7-2. APR. 2o-LoYOLA HOME Then in a triangular meet with Nassau APR. 24-MARYI.AND AWAY scoring, the Green and Gold golfers ended AI'R. 25-W.C~IES. TCHRS. HOME with victories over both Loyola College and APR. 27-CATHOLIC UN[v. HOMe Mt. St. Mary's. APR. Jo-LOYOLA AW.4Y l--GErrYSlJURG AWAY MAY In the Loyola match Burtis and Petrucci MAY 2-MARYI.AND Hoae lost 3-0 and Pirie lost z-r , while Eckenrode, MAY 4-DlcKINSON HOME Thompson, and Shockley each won 3-0, the MAY 7-U. OF BALTO. HOME final score being 10-8. With Mt. St. Mary's M.4Y lo-HAVERfORD HOME Burtis, Petrucci, Pirie, and Eckenrode won, MAY ll-W. M. INVIT. T. HOME HALl. HOME IS-SETON MAY Shockley being the only loser, with the final MAY 15-GEOII.GE WASH. HOME score; Western Maryland 14, Mt. St. Mary's a. MAY 17-18-M1). INTERCOLL. The University of Maryland played host Tournament AWA' BURTIS 411 /0 right. Sumner, Pirie, Eckenrode, Phillip", Petrucci, Shockley, Thompson, Hudson, Captain Buttis, Caddy Master Banks. On~ "undr~d Jix/em
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