Page 123 - YB1940
P. 123
Fin/,·ow: L.frtorigiot: Wrighr,Edmond,Field, Parker, Borwagcr, Vollmer,I. Wigley. Suandrow: I..cfttoright: Linton u. Brown, D. Brown, MaeVe"", V. Wiglcy, Gibbs, Helm. 'VO:~fEN~S ATHLETICS Western Maryland co-eds opened the sports year with keen competition for the championship in hockey, the major fall activity. An intramural tournament between classes decides the championship for women's athletics at Western Maryland. The senior class this year entertained hopes of winning this title, but there was much friendly rivalry with the other classes especially the strong PARKER TODD junior team before the veteran seniors finally On Homecoming Day the seniors Julia Berwager, Jeanette Wigley, Betty played a mixed team, which was composed Gibbs, Ruth Mcvean, Betty Handy, Mar- of the outstanding girls in hockey in the garet Quarles, Kay Fertig, Muriel Harding, other three classes. Cooperation between Mnry Louise Long, and Edith Armacost. the players, which is essential in any sport, Also included in the fall activity program is more than necessary in this particular were such individual sports as golf, archery, sport. A varsity hockey team was chosen and tennis. These sports enable those who by the board and the following girls were are not interested in such highly organized selected: Libby Thorn, Beulah Griffen, Ruth games as hockey and the major sports to Field, Alice Vollmer, Ruth Ann Whitmore, perform and also with the inclusion of these
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