Page 122 - YB1940
P. 122
[41 to rigllr: Robinson, Doenges, Prentiss, Thomas, Wildey. climax of their campaign, the Preachers eked out a slim 18-17 victory over the Seminary, who had captured the class diadem. Chosen as All-Stars were Thomas, Wildey, and Robinson of the victors; Tom Elias of the runner-ups; Neil Eckenrode of the Gamma Bets; and Web Hood of Pi Alpha Alpha. The junior varsity" B" title was retained by the Preacher five who captured six of their seven games to annex their second straight crown. Volleyball, the second of the winter Sports, was probably the most hotly contested and it was not until two days before spring vaca- In Basketball, the play produced a number tion that winners were finally declared. Suc- of close games and after total stock had been cessful in the defense of its title was the taken, Delta Pi Alpha's "A" quint had up- Delta Pi Alpha sextet composed of Marbury set Alpha Gamma Tau in the playoffs for Linton, Tom O'Leary, Randy Scholl, Bill their first title in three years. Led by Jim Robinson, Will Prentiss, and Don Wildey. Thomas, Bill Robinson, and Will Prentiss The" B" team of the Preache-s also won top on the attack and bolstered by Don Wildey, honors. Charlie Cole, and Jack Doenges' defensive At this time Delta Pi Alpha has a lead in play, the new champions suffered but one de- the race for the athletic trophy while the feat. In second place were the Bachelors, who Bachelors are in the lead for the sportsman_ had held the title in 1938 and 1939. As the ship award. O"~h",drfd~ighl"n
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