Page 117 - YB1940
P. 117
For their next game, the Terrors traveled to Penn State where they met an undefeated Nittany Lion team. Costly errors popped up again and Cole and Cook were shellacked to the tune of 10_2. Stropp was leading hit, rer, getting two for four. The~ the rain came in earnest and contests With Gettys- burg and Hopkins were canceled. In their next game on Hoffa Feld, Western Maryland won their first league game as Doug Catington handcuffed the Greyhounds to win 7-5. Bricker starred at bat, getting three for four tries. The following day, the Terrors traveled to ELDER COLE FITZGERALD Resuming their winning ways, Coach Ferguson's boys pounded out a I 5-2 victory over Lebanon Valley behind the four hit pitching of Lee Lodge. All but one man hit safely for the Green and Gold in their fourth win of the season. Although the Terrors have hovered about the .500 mark for wins and losses, their timely and effective hitting marks them as a potentially strong and winning team. The Terrors could not maintain this fast pace, however, and Cook dropped a pitchers' duel to Mount Saint Mary's, 4-3. A home run by DeBottis broke up the game in the eighth inning after Western Maryland had gained a 3-2 lead. Resuming their winning ways, Coach Fer- LINTON CATINGTON victory over gusin's boys pounded out a 15-2 Lebanon Valley behind the four-hit pitching Towson and, sparked by Hut COle's pitching of Lee Lodge. All but one man hit safely for and Linton's sensational hitting, won 9-3. the Green and Gold in their fourth win of the This game evened the count at two wins and season. two losses. Although the Terrors have hovered about The Terrors made it three straight by the .500 mark for wins and losses, their timely overpowering American University .10-0. Lee and effective hitting marks them as a poren- Lodge, in his debut as a Western Maryland tially strong and winning team. pitcher, pitched one hit ball and gained a Warmer weather plus a great deal of hard total of twelve strikeouts. Stropp led the practice will aid them greatly in their quest hitters with three for four. for a successful season. The hitting of the The Terrors could not maintain this fast team as a whole and especially of such stars pace, however, and Cook dropped a pitcher's as Stropp, Linton and Bricker s~ould duel to Mount Saint Mary's 4-3. A home run as the campaign progresses. [he pitching, ~y .DeBottis broke up the game in the eighth which up to now has been rather Spotty, 1l1n1l1gafter Western Maryland had gained a should become more effective, thus making 3-2 lead. the Terrors the team to watch. Oml"",dr.dlhirtU/1
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