Page 119 - YB1940
P. 119
TENNIS lege squad on an eastern tour, was met in the first match of the season. The match, be- Hindered by the lack of seasoned veterans, cause of inclement weather, was played in the prospects for the tennis squad looked Gill Gymnasium. The hard-serving and none too bright at the opening of the season. powerful driving State Teachers team suc- Alex Ransome, captain and Number One ceeded in subduing the Terror squad. man on last season's team, had been lost by The second match, however, was played graduation. Also missed on this year's squad on the outside courts with Catawba College. was Harold Solomon, who did not return to Although the final score of the match was the campus this year. Then due to inclem, 6-3 in Catawba's favor, the team as a whole ent weather, practice during the early part looked good. Baugher and Bowen, in win- of the season was confined to the gymnasium. ning their singles matches, showed especially The team, ably coached by Professor good form. Wright, who finally lost in the third set, played one of the finest games of his career at Western Maryland. As a whole the prospects for the ensuing season appear fairly bright, now that prac_ tice has begun on the outside courts. In addition to the regularly scheduled state teams, rhe Terrors will meet squads from Delaware University, Lebanon Valley Col, lege, Gettysburg College, and Catholic Uni; versity. SCHEDULE 13-STATE OF MICH. Hour 17-BLUE RIDQI,: HOME ApR. 19-NEW YORK U. HO~If: APR. lo-ELKR/DCf. CLUB HOME ApR. 13-LOYOI,A HO~It: APR. 14-CATAWBA HOME BOWEN APR. 16-UNIV. OF DEL. HO~1f; ApR. 17-WASHINGTON HOME I-GETTYSBURG AWAY Frank Hurt, has begun to shape up quite 4-LEBANON VIIL. AWAY well. Returning as a veteran of the last two 6-JOHNS HOPKINS HO~IE years, Wilbur Prentiss, the only senior mem- MAY 7-LoYOLA AWAI' ber of the squad, is captain of the team. MAY 8-GWI'TYSBURG HOME Other men who had seen action in previous MAY lo-UNIV. OF Dm.. AWAY MAY HOME II-WASHINGTON years were "Hal" Wright, "Ted" Bowen, MAY 16-CATHOLlC UNIV. AWAY and "Gene" Belt. Two other newcomers MAY 18-iN'fERSCHOl.ASTIC who have proved themselves capable of MEE'I HOME holding a regular berth are" Bo" Baugher MAl' lJ-BLUE RIDOE AWAY and Bill Balies. MAY 14-MT. ST. MARY'S HOME A powerful Western State Teachers' Col- MAY 'lS-CATHOLIC UNIV. HOME MAY 18-MT. ST. MARY'S AWAY ujllo righl: Bowen, !lelt, Bnugher, Coach Hnrt, C"pt~;n Prentiss, Balies, Wr;ght. PRENTISS, COACH HURT
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