Page 116 - YB1940
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BASEBALL dropped two games largely due to costly errors. As catcher, Bob Bricker has done When Bruce Ferguson took over Head well, both on the defense and at the plate; Coach Haven's place as varsity baseball while former catcher, Marbury Linton, has coach, he found a team with plenty of power compiled a high average afield and at bat. and a good pitching staff. With ten letter- At first base, Captain Bob Stropp is play- men available from last year's team, Coach ing his usual reliable game and under his Ferguson had practically a full team with spirited leadership the team has shown an the exception of the outfield where replace, abundance of verve and zip. On the second ments were necessary for Joe Drugash and sack, Kenny Bills is again keeping peace and Buck Barkdoll. The mound staff of Cook, order and relaying double play balls to short Catington, and Cole returned intact while and first. A few feet to the right of Bills in the entire infield was a veteran lineup. Com, the shortstop position is Jack Ryan, reliable petition for the outfield positions was keen and usually a pretty fair batter. On the hot with numerous candidates vying for the job. corner, Bill Sturm can be depended upon to As this article is written, the team appears keep things going with Elmer "Zilch" to be one of the strongest Western Maryland Evans a good bet to back him up. BiH Phil., has ever had and is steadily gaining power lips is the other substitute infielder and will after a slow start. The experienced pitching see plenty of service because of his hard hit, staff should hold up well and so far has not ting. In the outfield, Marb Linton, reformed tarnished its record although the team has catcher; Don Honeman, veteran of two years' experience; Ed Elder, a newcomer to SCHEDULE the squad but nevertheless a good one; APR. 4-WESLEYAN HOME Francis "X." Smith, an erstwhile pitcher APR. Io-PE/lfN STATE AWAY APR. I7-GETTYSBURG AWAY but now one of the regular boys in the out- APR. 2o-JOHNS HOPKINS HOME field; Frank Tarbutton, an Eastern Shore APR. 23-LoYOLA HOME prototype of James E. Fcxx; and Charley APR. 24-TowSON AWAY Fitzgerald, a utility outfielder make up the APR. 27-AM£RICAN Uvrv. HOME best crop of outfielders Western Maryland M.w I-MT. ST. MARY'S AWAY has had in several years. MAY 3-WAStHNGTON HOME MAY 4-LEBANON VAL. AWAY As usual, "The Rains Came," and early MAY 6-HAMI'Of:N SID'y HOME spring practice was a combination of wash- MAY 7-VIJ.LANOVA HOME out, mud bath, and snowstorm. The season MAY 8-GEORGE \VASH. AWAY finally got under way and the Terrors met MAY II---GEORGE WASH. HOME a seasoned Wesleyan College team on Hoffa MAY IS-WASHINGTON AWAY MAY 17-Df:LAWARE HOME Field. The game was a comedy of errors, MAY I8-AMERICAN UNIV.AwAY and was a heartbreaker for Doug Catingron MAY 2I-LoYOLA AWAY to lose after having it safely tucked away. MAY 22-WILSON AWAY The final score was 3-2 with Linton being MAY 24-MT. ST. MARY'S HOME leading hitter getting two for three times at MAY 2S-NAVY AWAY CAPTAIN STROPP AND COACH FERGUSON bat. First row: Left to right: Catington, Linton, Bill_, Captain Stropp, Elder, Bricker. Second row: Left to right: Coach Fe:gu.on, Evans, Honeman, Lodge, Fir.gerald,, Cole, Manager Rouse. Third row: Left to right: Kidd, Shuck, Griffin, Lowery, Baker, M()()re, Carnochan, PetruCCI, Galbreath, Elliot, Friedel.
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