Page 112 - YB1940
P. 112
I.cJllor;glil: Captain Stropp, Suffern, Faw, Evans, Biasi, Tmpeciato, Honeman, Butt;s, Brioker, Bills, Coach Ferguson, Manager Adolph. BASKETBALL Maryland opened its season against George_ town in Washington, D. C. on December SCHEDULE 6. They lost to a superior Hilltopper team DEC. 6--GEOROETOWN AWAY by the score of 52-34. They then lost in DEC. 12-MARYLAND AWAY rapid succession to the seasoned teams of DEC. IS-VILLANOVA AWAY Maryland, Baltimore, and Gettysburg in DEC. 16-U. Of BALTO. AWAY games played away from home. JAN. lo--GE"lTYSBURO AWAY The team finally broke into the win column JAN. 13-JOHNS HOPKINS AWA\' JAN. 17-CATHOLICUNIV. AWAY by eking out a slim 40-37 score in a hotly JAN. 2o--DREXf.l. HOME contested match with Johns Hopkins'. This JAN. 23-LOYOI.A AWAY game opened the league season for Western JAN. 26-1\1-1-. ST. MARY'S AWAY Maryland. Wins over Catholic University FEB. 3-WASHINGTON AWAY and Drexel quickly followed, the latter being FEB. 6-U. Of BALTO. HOME the inaugural contest in Gill Gym. FEll. Io--VILLANOVA HOME FEU. 13-AMERICAN UNIV. HOME In a second league game' at Baltimore, FEB. IS-CATHOLIC UNiV. HOME Loyola took W. M. C. into camp by the FEll. 17-LOYOLA HOME score of 50-36. Following this defeat West- FEll. 2o--\VASHINGTON HOME ern Maryland won its second league game at FEB. 22-JOHNS HOPKINS HOME Emmitsburg against St. Mary's in a game FEB. 23-DREW UNIV. HOME FEB. 'l7-MT. ST. MARY'S HOME replete with last minute thrills, the final FEB. 28-AMERICAN UNIV. AWAY score being 34-31. CAPTAIN STROPP After a week's rest the Terrors met an up With four seasoned regulars returning and coming Washington College team in from last year's basketball team, Western Chestertown. Although the Sho'men were Maryland began its 1939-194° campaign. without the services of last year's point In addition to Bob Stropp, Irv Biasi, Don making Goop Zebrowski, they scored a 50-39 Honeman, and Bob Faw, regulars, Kenny victory. Bills and Vic Impeciato of the varsity squad, Against the Baltimore Bees the Terrors and Elmer Evans and Bob Bricker of last opened a nine-game home stand. I n a none year's freshmen squad were also available. too auspicious beginning the Terrors lost by Freshman Frank Suffern showed sufficient a score of 38-27. However the game was ability to land the regular center berth on closer than the score would indicate with the the team. Thus Coach Ferguson's charges Bees superior reserves being the deciding held great promise ?f being a serious t~:eat factor. in Maryland Collegiate League ~ompetlt1.on. Several days later the Terrors encountered Handicapped by lack of shooting pracuce, the best set shots of the 1940 campaign and Gill Gym being incomplete so far as baskets lost a second time to Villanova by a score of and backboards were concerned, Western 64-41. This was the high scoring game of 01l~ h""dr~d right
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