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displayed the peak of their season's play both scoring from the outside on a cross fire shot. offensively and defensively. Three days later, on November's second One week later, Dr. Nathan led his charges Saturday, the Green and Gold met a much to Gettysburg to exchange boots with the stronger foe as Johns Hopkins visited Hoffa highly touted Bullets, who were fresh from a Field and in one of the standout frays of the victory over the Middies of Navy. After campaign, the Terrors turned in a two to one spotting the hosts two first half goals, Captain decision. Midway in the first half, Frank Galbreath started the Terror scoring with a Tarbutton, on a solo flight, gave the Terrors fifty-yard liner from mid-field and was a lead as he scored from twenty-five yards followed up by Forward Lewis whose tally out; and at half time Western Maryland held knotted the count at two-ali. Still on the a slim one point lead. Shortly after the start offensive, the Terrors stormed to the Bullet's of the second half, Hopkins managed to break cage, hut were unsuccessful in breaking the through the Terror defense to tie the tussle at existing tie and the Western Marylanders one-all and it wasn't until the last three min, hung up their second consecutive draw. ures that Tomlinson found the nets to give the Terrors their third victory. At College Park and Charlottesville, the Western Marylanders were unable to rnain., tain their favorable record of victories com- piled at home, and were forced to accept de- feats at the hands of Maryland and Virginia, by scores of five to one and two to one, re- spectively. With the game against the Cavaliers, the Green and Gold booters con, eluded their contests on foreign soil and at this time they sported a record of three wins, three losses, and two ties. On December 2 the Terrors entertained Wheaton College and although the Nathan- men were not at full strength, they completely overpowered the Crusaders by a four to two score, ending the season. BRADLEY GALBREATH Still undefeated, the Green and Gold in- vaded Towson on November 3 in an attempt to regain the State title lost the year before to the Maryland State Teachers College. There was little to choose between the two elevens, but the more experienced Teachers capitalized on the breaks and etched a two to nothing victory on the books. After suffering their initial defeat, the Nathanmen snapped back and within a week scored impressive wins over the Dickinson Red. Devil~ and the Hopkins Blue Jays. Against their out-of-state rivals, the Terrors were complete masters of the situation and after outplaying their opponents in the first half without tallying, the Western Maryland machine began to roll as Tom Elias converted Frank Tarbutton's sharp pass into goal num; ber one. Then John Tomlinson hit the nets from the penalty mark and finished the Terror
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