Page 50 - YB1903
P. 50
E'l'HEL MlLLER, . Baltimore, Md. B. L. S.; President B. L. S., 1903; Asst. Eel. Aloha; Lit. Ed. Monthly, 1902; Local Ed. Monthly, 1901; Class Prophetess. Ethel ;\1iller came almost at the end of the first term of the Freshman year. "M ickie" is the bright- est guy that ever lived-in her 1'00111. Anyhow she made up that lost timc and came out with high marks. She found that she could play Basket Ball, and forthwith was elected to the high and honorable position of captain of the team of 1903 girls. Since that" Mid:" has been playing like the" Old Scratch." She got scores of hits and one j, strike." HE was the most notable Athlete in school; he didn't believe in doing things 11alCway-the muscles of his hand and wrist should be trained proportionally to his bo(ly- so for this summum bonum and the elevation of his soul, he began writing letters of seventy-five pages. And she-ewell, basket ball couldn't train her hands like-cob we111and so! But college strikes have always exhibited a frailty; thus, with this one "It's all over now," and Mick has been getting K. O. E.s from somebody else for the last year. She has been known to smother under six eiderdown comforters one whole hour, feigning sleep, rather than get up to open the door for a visitor. She isJess's rival ill the mimic business, crowing being her specialty. At the table, the most mercilesswretch about responding to Kathleen's witty toasts,jokes, ctc.. is Micky, who always "gets off" a better one 01' sees in the fore, gone remark point enough to howl softly (?) Mick has always had great powers in the direction of the eye-starting point, 1111eal1,and we predict powerful conquests for her in the future. Baltimore, Md. VV[NFI~ED POULSOK ROllEIn'S, r. L. S.; Pres. Irving, '02; Class Secretary; Asst. Bus. Mgr. Aloha, '03; Member Foot Ball Team, '98, '99, '00, '01, '02; Captain, '02; Member Base Ball Team, '9B, '00, '01, '02, '03; Member Basket Ball Team, '99, '00, '01, '02, '03; Captain, '02; Member Track Team, '99, '00, '01, '02, '03; Vice-Pres. Y. ?",I. C. A.; Sec. Ath. Asso., '02; Ath. Asso. League Rcpr.: College W. M. - 48 -
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