Page 46 - YB1903
P. 46
She can count her victims-hers and Cupid's-by threes and fours. Long ago, Mary became noted for her neatness (?? ?), tricks being her specialty. HAHVEY CLIFFORDHANCOCK, . Greenbackville, Va. W. L. S.; Webster Pres., '03; Orator for Webster, '02; Bus. vlgr. Monthly, '02; Class Treasurer; Member Foot Ball Team, '02; Mgr. Base Ball,' 03; Treas. GleeClub, '03. Virginia, the mother of Presidents and other great personages, is also the home of" Cliff." From Green.BackĀ·Ville he hails; we could never understand why be came from there; for surely he was not (very) "Green" when he joined the noble '03 Class in its Freshman year (? ? 7). "Cliff" was Webster's Orator in 1902,and was on the Preliminary Contest for Intercollegiate Contest, '02, '03. He has always made a good record in the class. On account of his business ability he was made Class Treasurer; also Business Manager of the Monthly. These offices he has performed with great credit. Did you ask how be received such good marks when he docs not study? Listen! "fTe, he, I want my students to come ant first."-Prof. Watts. He has had a number of strikes, but will not go with any girl unless he holds the "first place" in her heart. Yet, despite this fact, he does steal off and go" down town" and we" won- der" where he goes (?? 7). . Pocomoke City, Md. NIAI~IAN HANDY, P. L. S. There would surely be r-oom fa!' another in the small apartment of the old woman who lived in a shoe, if that other were" midge" Handy. Having entered the school in her Sophomore yea!', Mar-ian Handy soon proved herself to be much in little, and afforded a striking example of the supremacy of'mind oyer matter; for she walked off with the Sophomore Class medal. Though she is the smallest girl in the - 44 - -
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