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made a record which is indeed quite worthy of praise. He seems gifted in almost every department of col- lege life, and enters all of his duties with a spirit of push. His elocutionary and oratorical talents gave evidence themselves when he wall the Freshman Elocution Medal, and for two successive veal'S was one of the Irving Literary Society's oratorical contestants, in 1902 proving himself a winning orator. IIe has been Interested in almost all branches of athletics, but has made foot ball and running his specialties. His running qualities you can well judge of when I tell you that he ran from a Carroll county farmer's bam to the college, a distance of two miles, in about 8:40 flat, with a half dozen eggs in his pocket (7? ?). Eddie is also inclined towards the fairsex. His lady friend gave him a cushion for X-mas; then they had a break off. The cushion meant" Go way back and sit down." He is still down, too. This was only the four-th girl in four years (?? ?). Good record, don't you think? This short history, with the above honor-s, will give my readers a good idea of our historian; and 1 will close my history by mentioumg his fondness for big words and telling you that when he desires he: can expatiate very scientifically upon sub- jects pertaining to the apperception of the irrational self when his mind is not concomitant with the in , stability and complexity of his nervous system, and when he is not conscious of his primitive awareness. IDELLA VVl'fHEHS TREDWA\" . Cambridge, Md. P. L. S.; President of r. L. S., 1903. Idella Withers Tredway showed her smiling face to the Senior Preps. five years ago. Had a strike that selfsame year, but it was a strik-ing example of the frailty of at least prep. strikes; for she soon gaye him the G. B. and soon after met her true, adorable and only. They began to smile and have been smiling at a 2:4ยท0 rate ever since. Rumor says-but, oh, well! that is only one of Virgil's characters, and Ic1ella- called Idelolly by the girls-is not interested in classics so mcch as in science. She discovered she could sing, and has been showing it ever since, most frequently in the college choir on Sunday evenings. She is very talkative and very" laughative," and when she was initiated into the J. G. C. she cried for joy to think that the ordeal was over. Having aspirations to a certain universe, she soon became leader of the Trio of Connoisseurs, where poor unsuspecting wretches and their innocent actions constitute the grand high art to go under inspection. This same admirable trio are adepts in the art of gathering and " - 51 - "
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