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disbursing news. Iclelollydoes this out of her cheerful disposition. She has always been lovable andlev- ing and still is. . Elizabeth, N.J. ETr·JEL KENO LEY TROUT, P. L. S.; Asst. Eel. Aloha. From ye ancient city of Elizabeth came Ethel Kcnoley Trout. Both she and Emma had taken a thorough C011rs('in the high school of that city, and so knew a few things before entering the lists in the Freshman year. Ethel TJ"Outexhibited aiel-maidish propensities when she first came to Western Mary- land; she seamed (?) boys, remembering the precepts of ye august lady. But what an evolution! One day she put up a neat little ruse whieh seems to have gone off beautifully. Eyeing a good little chap across the dining-room, she" wunk " her eye at the Roar, then pretended to see a mouse thereon and cried out, "Great Scott!" In a moment the good guy was at her side, and From that moment to this he gal- lantly proffers his assistance and protection on any occasion when it is needed. Her classmates "dubbed" her" Fishy," and she gets along in her lessons swimmingly, having gotten honorable mention eyery year of her stay here. She and her roommate" Emmah " both study hard, and being bright, get honors; but put precious little time on their lessons, Fishy preferring to spend her time remarking upon events, people, etc., to a room or devoted listeners, each of whom, by the way, is busy at the same time advancing her OW11 theories 011 the same subjects. Another part of her routine is to begin to wake Emma lip at five o'clock. This being-a liard task, she deserves great credit; Ethel always fulfils Faithfully all duties imposed upon her. . Loveville, Md. ALMA ANNA WATHEN, P. L. S. Born in the hear-t of Southern Maryland, Alma Wathen speaks a gibberish peculiar to that section She matriculated at W. M. C. four-years ago as Freshman. Alma is exceptionally bcight-ccatches on to 52 -
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