Page 48 - YB1903
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rat tied to a string, and to hear the frantic yells of" Ev" one would imagine that her aunt had died and failed to leave her all the money she expected. . Seaford, Del. JOHN SCOTT HURLEY, . W. L. S.; Member Foot Ball Team, '00, '01, '02; Medal for Best All-around Athlete, '02; Member Track Team, '02, '03; Member Basket Ball Team, '02, '03; Vice-Pres. of Class; Asst. Eel. Aloha, '03; Ath. Asso. Historian; College W. M.; Member Orchestra, '00. "Scott" is our second and last representative of that small strip of land east of Maryland called Delaware. He came to us in OU1" Sophomore year, after graduating at the Seaford High School. He was small of stature, but by means of proper exercise he has so developed himself that he has a very fine physique. "Mr. Hurley has a fine figure and is a nice looking young man," said our teacher in oratory, and we are glad to say" Scott" did not get conceited (? ? 7). He always makes creditable marks in his studies, and especially in French (enfant 7). In 1902, he secured the medal for the best indoor athlete, and in all probability will win it in 1903. One of the best runners at college, he has represented the collegeseveral times. He is one of three who are very fond of cross-country runs, and then being chased through tov....n for" stealing hen-fru it " (? 7 7). He has been the" star right half-back" for two years, on the College Eleven. He takes great delight in going down to the" Hotel Westminster," when he desires a change from the college food, and always takes one of the boys with him (77 P}. WARD STONE IRELAND, Pleasantville, N.J. 1. L. S.; Pres. Irving, '02; Y. M. C. A. Delegate to Wilmington, '01; to W. Virginia, '02; to Northfield, '02; Y. M. C. A. Pres.: Bus. Mgr. Aloha, '03; Ed. Y. M. C. A. Hand Book; Y. M. C. A. Treas., '01. __ 46
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